Westshore Community Foundation

The 24-Hour Giving Challenge is on now!

Help your community foundation grow and your gift will be stretched, with support from The Winnipeg Foundation and the Province of Manitoba.

Give today!

Westshore Community Foundation

Box 395
Gimli, MB R0C 1B0

Registered Charitable Number: 887517332 RR0001
Manitoba Region: Interlake


It is the mission of The Westshore Community Foundation to continue to grow in order to offer even greater support to the ongoing needs of groups and individual dedicated to the betterment of the communities of Riverton, Gimli, Fraserwood, Winnipeg Beach, and Dunnottar. We believe philanthropy is alive and well in our areas and your contribution to the Westshore Foundation will provide a lasting legacy.


Incorporated in 1998, The Westshore Community Foundation Inc., was developed through the old Johnson Memorial Hospital District when it was replaced by the new Interlake Regional Health Authority. The formation of a community foundation was considered a good vehicle by which funds could be used to benefit the surrounding communities.
The Board of volunteers has continued to strive to build permanent endowments and other funds to support community projects. The Foundation is proud of the growth since incorporation and has reached assets in excess of $5,000,000. This has allowed the foundation to invest in our catchment area and help grow a lasting legacy for all.


  • President – Dave Douglas
  • Vice President – Teri Nicholson
  • Treasurer – Randy Baldwin
  • Doug Anderson
  • Darlene Devlin
  • Romanna Klymkiw 
  • Don Matthewson
  • Patti McIntyre
  • Eric Stefanson
  • Trevor Stevens
  • Tristin Tergesen
  • Donna Roed


  • Krista Narfason – Administrative Coordinator

Grant Deadlines

Foundation Highlights

The Westshore Community Foundation produced its first advertising trailer with the help of Huw Eirug, David McGunigal, and Les Stoodley. Larry Minarik of the Gimli Movie Theatre is showing our trailer on a weekly basis. Take a look and see what Westshore has been up to!


Annual Lakeview Westshore Golf Tournament

This year we held our 18th Annual Lakeview Westshore Golf Tournament on August 22 at Links at the Lake in Gimli. The day started off with registration and breakfast at the Lakeview Gimli Resort, followed by a fun-filled day of golf at the beautiful Links at the Lake golf course, and then dinner and prizes at Lakeview Gimli Resort.

The golf tournament is one of our largest fundraisers of the year, and this year we raised over $15,000.

We could not have done so well without the participation of not only the golfers, but also the sponsors, whether they donated money or prizes and especially not without the support of the Lakeview Gimli Resort who has been a wonderful partner of ours for so many years!


The Westshore Community Foundation will be participating in the 2023 Endow Manitoba Giving Challenge.