The Glenboro Area Foundation Inc.

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The Glenboro Area Foundation Inc.

P.O. Box 147, 604 Railway Avenue
Glenboro, MB R0K 0X0

Registered Charitable Number: 120653670 RR0001
Manitoba Region: South Central


The mission of The Glenboro Area Foundation Inc. is to work together to build a permanent endowment fund, using the earnings to enrich the quality of life in our area.


The Glenboro Area Foundation Inc. strives to be a community leader, promoting philanthropy, benefiting our community with grants now and in the future – the best choice for those wishing to leave a permanent legacy to our community.


A way to say “Thank You” for the past, and a means of sharing in the future of Glenboro and the surrounding area.


  • Ron Jefferies – Chair
  • Cindy Pringle – Vice Chair
  • Lorelie Mitchell – Treasurer
  • Lorna Hamilton – Secretary
  • Trina Wytinck
  • Myrtle Nichols
  • Kevin Newton
  • Allen Diehl


  • Trevor Drinkwater
  • Fred Jewsbury

Foundation Funds

The Glenboro Smart & Caring Community Managed FundDirected to the community for recreation, arts, education, religious groups, sports and other community activities.
The Glenboro Health Care FundDirected for the local hospital, the Personal Care Home, emergency services, equipment, health care education, including mature students
John and Vesta Scott Memorial FundDedicated to The Glenboro United Church
Stewart and Eva Hamilton Memorial FundDedicated to The Glenboro United Church
Glenboro Community Education FundProvides scholarships for high school graduates leaving the area to attend college or university
Skapti Arason Pioneer Spirit AwardProvides scholarships for high school graduates leaving the area to attend college or university
R.M. of South Cypress Health Care Education FundProvides scholarships for high school graduates leaving the area to attend college or university for studies in the health care field
Devos Family Scholarship FundProvides scholarships for high school graduates at Prairie Mountain High School, Somerset, leaving the area to attend university
Hilhorst Family Scholarship FundProvides scholarships for high school graduates leaving the area to attend college or university for studies in agriculture or another equivalent program
Sena Gunnlaugson Memorial Scholarship FundProvides scholarships for high school graduates from Baldur leaving the area to attend college or university
The Queen ScholarshipScholarship for Glenboro School graduates planning a career in the trades. The students must be leaving the area to study.
Roy & Lorna Wallis Family Agricultural ScholarshipScholarship for Glenboro School graduates planning a career in agriculture. The students must be leaving the area to study.
The George and Verna Notman Memorial FundTo assist community groups and projects in a way similar to our existing Community Fund.
John Harvard Smart & Caring Community FundTo assist community groups and projects in a way similar to our existing Community Fund.
The Glenboro Cemetery Perpetual Care FundTo assist in the beautification of The Glenboro Cemetery.
Youth Sport and Recreation FundProvides support to area youth (ages 6 to 19) for community based or initiated sport and recreation.
Youth in Philanthropy FundA project that provides Glenboro School students the opportunity to learn about philanthropy.
Raystone Memorial Centre Operating FundTo assist in the upkeep of the Raystone seniors’ centre.
Glenboro Area Foundation Operating FundTo assist in the day-to-day operations of our Foundation.
Glenboro Recreational Facility Operating FundProvides support for the operation and maintenance of The Glenboro Arena.
Glenboro Children’s Learning Centre Fund
Provides perpetual income for operating expenses and programming.
John Tosh Memorial Fund Provides a) sport scholarship for graduates of Glenboro School and b) support for area sports or recreation organization.

Recent Grants

Click the + to see the grant recipients.

2022 Grant Awards from 2021 Investment Income
Total Grants Distributed from 2021 Investment Income: $85,101

Glenboro Ag Society Campsite firepits $1,000
Glenboro Community Develop. Hydro pole signs $5,000
Glenboro Curling Club Paint / junior curling equip. & program $4,100
Glenboro Golf & Country Club Kitchen upgrades / junior golf $5,000
Glenboro Health Auxiliary Supplement Health Care Fund $2,121
Glenboro Minor Hockey Camera system upgrade $3,500
Glenboro Rink Washroom upgrades $8,500
Glenboro School Student of the Year / gym bleachers $4,000
Glenboro S Cypress Fire Dept. Coveralls $5,400
Glenboro S Cypress Library Office restoration $3,000
Glenboro Town Square Flowers/fertilizer/hoses $350
Glenboro United Church CE Building ceiling repairs $1,500
Health Care Scholarships Cheyenne Ryland Rebeca Miller $1,600 $1,600
Royal Canadian Legion Kitchen Cabinets $3,500
Senior Independent Services Walkers/walking poles/guest speakers $1,200
Burrough of the Gleann Museum $2,582
Health CareFurniture/recreation/student help$7,879
Glenboro United ChurchJohn & Vesta Scott Memorial$499
Stewart & Eva Hamilton Memorial$1,835
Glenboro Cemetery $1,184
Raystone Centre Operating $2,614
Recreation Facility Operating $1,525
Youth Sport and RecreationJunior golf$725
Youth in PhilanthropyTheatre / Cat Rescue / Build-a-Barn / Rink$480


Skapti Arason Pioneer SpiritJenna Dubyts$603
Devos Family ScholarshipNadia VanDeVelde$1,727
Community Education ScholarshipJenna Dubyts & Lindsay Wytinck$3,185 each
Sena Gunnlaugson MemorialMadisen Everett$1,620
Hilhorst Family ScholarshipRachel Dowd$520
The Queen ScholarshipWillem VanSchie$685
RM South Cypress Health CareMikaela Sattler$1,963
Bev Turnbull ScholarshipMikaela Sattler$100
Roy & Lorna Wallis Family ScholarshipLindsay Wytinck$818

Grant Deadlines

Foundation Highlights

Tribute to Agnes Witherspoon

The Foundation’s first in-person board meeting of 2021 was indeed memorable. We faced each other wearing masks to guard against the continuing threat of covid; we also faced an empty chair. Agnes was not with us.

Agnes Witherspoon joined the Board of the Glenboro Area Foundation in December 1998. She remained part of the Foundation’s backbone until her sudden passing in July 2021.

To say that Agnes’ passing left a void in the Foundation is an understatement. If the Foundation needed to touch base with the community – Agnes offered. Clarification of Foundation or community history – Agnes knew it. An article – Agnes wrote it. Advice – Agnes gave it.

To many in the province Agnes’ name is synonymous with the Glenboro Area Foundation. She was passionate about its purpose and committed to its continued thriving. Many came to know that an encounter with Agnes would involve a lively discussion about the Foundation’s merits and end up with being handed a copy of the latest Annual Report (copies of which she kept on hand “just in case”!)

Cheers of Gratitude and Godspeed to Agnes! She will be missed.