Onanole Foundation Inc.

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Onanole Foundation Inc.

Box 238
Onanole, MB R0J 1N0

Registered Charitable Number: 11906 7171 RR0001
Manitoba Region: Parkland


It is the mission of the Onanole Foundation to build an endowment fund to be distributed for the betterment of the Onanole community.


In the mid- 1960’s, a portion of money raised from the development of land in Onanole was placed in a fund that would be made available to benefit the community. These original benefactors were Fred Minty, Bill Stewart, Bill Piett and Stan Shuttleworth. Today, this parcel of land is known as Grey Owl Estates. The Foundation was incorporated in 1984.


  • Cal Vanderschuit – President
  • Marg Tarleton – Secretary/Treasurer
  • Shannon Landels
  • Kelsey Connor
  • Annette Wiebe

Recent Grants

Click the + to see the grant recipients.
Wasagaming Arts Council $250
Erickson Palliative Care $500
Services to Seniors, Serving Onanole, Erickson & Sandy Lake $500
Oanole and District Fire Department $1,500
Onanole and District Rec. Corp$1,000
Southquill Health Area Foodbank Inc.$1,000
Friends of Riding Mountain National Park$500
Wasagaming Foundation/Camp Wannakumbac$1,000
Erickson and District Palliative Care Committee$500

Grant Deadlines