North Norfolk Foundation Inc.

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North Norfolk Foundation Inc.

Box 696
MacGregor, MB R0H 0R0

Registered Charitable Number: 898285648 RR0001
Manitoba Region: North Central


The North Norfolk Foundation’s mission is to preserve and advance the quality of life in the community.


The North Norfolk Foundation grants financial assistance to projects that will enhance the quality of life for the people in the Municipality of North Norfolk.


  • Karen Guth – Board Chair
  • Ryan Turner – Treasurer
  • Tammy Kruse – Secretary
  • Randy Chambers
  • Pam McKelvey
  • Ron Sawatzky
  • Laurie Stewart
  • Karl Voesenek
  • Krystal Unrau


  • Caddie Crampton, Community Foundations Coordinator

Foundation Funds

MacGregor Cemetery FundIncome paid to MacGregor Cemetery for their expenses.
School Cairn FundIncome is paid to assist with the ongoing expenses incurred for the school cairns in the RM of North Norfolk.
Gothic Temple Lodge BursaryMost improved student in grade 12 at MCI who is continuing his/her education.
Derek Bomak Memorial AwardFor a student who demonstrates sportmanship and leadership, in good academic standing and involved in extra curricular sports at MCI.
John & Jean McRae Memorial FundIncome to Katrime Cemetery.
MCI Sports for All FundIncome to be paid to those students requiring financial assistance to help pay for sports activities at the MacGregor Collegiate Institute.
Arts Stabilization Manitoba Fund – Manitoba Agricultural MuseumTo assist with the costs incurred by the Museum and to continue the mandate of ASM to continue to achieve stability and sustainability.
Kim Hofer FundFunds to be used to assist with the cost of school supplies for those students in the Pine Creek School Division who are in financial need.
Hometown AwardAwarded to a graduating student from MacGregor Collegiate going into a science related field. It pays $1,000 per year for 4 years of post-secondary.
Alf & Allision Graham Memorial BursaryFor a well-rounded MCI student with excellent academic performance and significant school and community involvement who is pursuing post-secondary education.
Haley Stewart Memorial AwardFor a female MCI student with good academics, significant extracurricular involvement, attending a post-secondary institution.
First Timothy AwardFor a graduating MCI student attending a Bible College or University; has worked to their potential academically; actively participated in volunteer activities (youth group, camp ministry, etc.) good school citizenship.
Gordon Purkess Memorial AwardFor a MCI graduate who plans to pursue a career in the trades or training in agriculture or agronomy or a career in transportation; good work ethic; has worked to their potential; good school citizenship.
MacGregor Emergency Services AwardFor a MCI graduating student pursuing post-secondary studies in EMS, Fire ( 1st priority), Nursing, Policing, Social Work/Counselling; allowed to defer up to 27 months after graduating.
Vivian McGregor Award (formerly the North Norfolk-MacGregor Foundation Community Education)For a graduating MCI student with outstanding community service (school service not included).
Rumanick Memorial AwardFor a graduating MCI student having high academic performance which includes two English credit courses and who is pursing post-secondary studies.
Wilfred Alton Memorial AwardFor a MCI student with high academic average who is pursing university or community college in a technical field.
Austin Cemetery FundFor perpetual maintenance at the Austin Cemetery.
The Beaver Creek Cemetery FundTo support the Beaver Creek Cemetery.
The Fred & Loreen Amann Memorial Fund for Austin Cemetery 

Grant Deadlines