Icelandic River Community Foundation

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Icelandic River Community Foundation

Box 159
Arborg, MB R0C 0A0

Registered Charitable Number: 834178428RR0001
Manitoba Region: Interlake


The mission of the Icelandic River Community Foundation is to ensure that those who care deeply about the future of the Rural Municipality of Bifrost, Arborg, Riverton and surrounding areas have a vehicle through which they can improve lives, strengthen families and build community, today, tomorrow and forever.


Flowing through Bifrost, the Icelandic River passes through the Town of Arborg, the Village of Riverton and other communities on its way to Lake Winnipeg. The gentle flow of the river belies the energy, dynamism and vibrancy of the people who live in this beautiful, culturally rich and productive area. It is to enhance and support the quality of life and health of these people that the IRCF was formed in 2010.


  • Larry Speiss – Chair
  • Ryan Sigurdson – Vice Chair
  • John Sigurdson – Treasurer
  • Linda Oddleifson – Secretary
  • Tim Reimer
  • Crystal Sigurdson
  • Candy Cherepak
  • Mike Maksymchuk