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Cypress River & Area Foundation Inc.
Cypress River, MB R0K 0P0
- ph: 204-526-5209
Registered Charitable Number: 871715009 RR0001
Manitoba Region: South Central
We are a philanthropic organization focused on building permanent endowments in order to tackle long-term community challenges as well as meeting immediate needs.Description
We are a public foundation in the Cypress River area that is independent and autonomous. The foundation is governed by a body of volunteers, usually independently appointed, which strives to represent and be accountable to the Cypress River Community. The foundation maintains a broad grants program; grantees must be “qualified donees” as defined in the Income Tax Act. The foundation is a prudent steward and investor of charitable funds, maintaining complete and accurate financial reports.Board
- Jim Cassels – Board Chair
- Troy McGill – Vice President
- Tim Klassen – Treasurer
- Yvonne De Smet – Secretary
- Janice Robidoux
- Anita Gillis
- Marianne Anderson
- Mason Anderson – Youth Representative
Recent Grant Recipients
Cypress River and Area Foundation is pleased to announce this year’s grant recipients with a total of 11,260
- Sara’s Pantry Food Service Program $500
- Prairie Wind Music Fest picnic shelter $500
- Cypress Senior Centre hot water tank $500
- Cypress Lodge upgrading rooms $1,600
- Cypress River Multi-Purpose Community Centre upgrades in kitchen $1,600
- Glenboro’s Children’s Learning Centre upgrade playground $500
- Cypress River Firefighter’s replace tank on tanker truck $1,760.
- Cypress United Church repairs to the church $1,600
- Cypress River Hall flooring $500
- Cypress Improvements Committee for signs $1,600
- Designated Scholarship -$600 – this year’s Grad
Cypress River and Area Foundation is pleased to reflect on last year’s grant recipients totaling $6,100.
- M.I.L.E.S. -meal program towards new dishwasher – $1,500
- CR Multi-Purpose Centre – $1,000 – repair & improvements
- CR Hall – $1,000 – towards air conditioner
- Glenboro Health Action – $1,000 – 2 nurses or 1 Dr.
- CR Resource Centre – $500 – signs for Music Fest and Encore
- CR Senior Centre – $500 – gaming upgrades
- Designated Scholarship – $600 – this year’s Grad
Gifts are never “spent” or “used-up”. The funds are invested and will remain untouched in perpetuity. Only the interest will be used for community projects, thereby creating a growing pool of dollars for the betterment of Cypress in the future.
BOX 86
R0K 0P0