The 24-Hour Giving Challenge is on now!
Help your community foundation grow and your gift will be stretched, with support from The Winnipeg Foundation and the Province of Manitoba.
Give today!
The Pas Tri-Community Foundation
Box 3773
The Pas, MB R9A 1S4
The Pas, MB R9A 1S4
Registered Charitable Number: 875948226 RR 0001
Manitoba Region: North
Serving the communities of The Pas, OCN & the RM of Kelsey by maintaining and administering a permanent endowment fund aimed at strengthening and improving the quality of life, today and into the future.
- Jill Wilkinson – President
- Kent Whaley – Vice President
- Don Dunnigan – Secretary
- Rob Penner – Treasurer
- Jim Berscheid
- Maureen Brown
- Barb Bragg
- Davide Novo
- Brenda Dawyduk
- Louise Contois