The 24-Hour Giving Challenge is on now!
Help your community foundation grow and your gift will be stretched, with support from The Winnipeg Foundation and the Province of Manitoba.
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Carberry and Area Community Foundation Inc.
Carberry, MB R0K 0H0
Registered Charitable Number: 88709 6089 RR0001
Manitoba Region: Southwest
By identifying and understanding our community’s needs, creating and maintaining partnerships that support effective solutions, and engaging and stewarding caring investors who fund our endowments and our grants, we are growing our entire community.
That our entire community, people and prosperity, continue to grow in healthy, equitable and vital ways.
Values Statement
Commitment – We give our time and energy to support the growth of our community foundation and, in turn, our entire community.
Thoughtfulness – We place effort into understanding our community’s needs before making decisions and taking action.
Support – We provide assistance to the local charities and organizations that are helping our community grow.
Integrity – We follow a code of moral values, honesty, and accountability.
Courage – We persevere, in the face of challenges, as we undertake our work as a community foundation.
Inclusiveness – We invite participation by all members of our community, and actively seek their input and perspective in helping us achieve our goals.
Carberry and Area Community Foundation was established as a non-profit charitable organization in 1996. Serving the town of Carberry and Municipality of North Cypress-Langford, our vision is that our entire community, our people and our prosperity, continue to grow in healthy and hearty ways.
- Ian Dyck – Chairperson
- Tyson Fisher – Vice-Chair
- Heather McLaren – Treasurer
- Kim Adriaansen
- Betty Buurma
- Tannis Graham
- Leigh McFarlane
- Ryan Robson
- Devin Waldner
- Brianna Renwick – Executive Director
- Don Forbes – Advisor
- Raegan Dyck – YiP teacher
Foundation Funds
Community/Unrestricted Funds
Anna & Hilda Elmhirt Fund
Blair & Tannis Graham Family Fund
Bob & Nellie Garland Memorial Fund
Carberry Kinsmen & Kinette Club Fund
Community Impact Fund
Dudley & Burdette Ramsey and Family Fund
Gordon & Muriel McPhail Memorial Fund
Harold & Arlie Calvert Family Fund
Ken & Charlotte Dickson Memorial Fund
Lil Reddon Memorial Fund
North Cypress Soil Conservation
Stan & Enid Triggs Fund
Tony & Jo Adriaansen Family Fund
Woodberry Riding Club Fund
Designated/Field of Interest Funds
10th Anniversary Medical Support/Health Emergent Needs Fund
10th Anniversary Youth in Philanthropy Fund
Administration Endowment Fund
Carberry Breast CancerCare Fund
Carberry Palliative Care Fund
Carberry Children’s Memorial Park Fund
Community Health Care Fund
Edna Lee Memorial Seniors Fund
Irene Oliver Greenspace Fund
Mabel, Alex & Perry Hardie Memorial Cemetery Fund
Minnie & Ed Oliver Memorial Fund
Thelma & Eric Lee Memorial Health Care Workers Education Fund
Thomas Switzer and Thomas Rogers Family Memorial Historical Heritage Fund
Education/Scholarship Funds
10th Anniversary Education Assistance Fund
Carnation Employees Association Education Scholarship Fund
Carberry 4-H Beef Education Fund
Carberry Masonic Lodge Fund
Edith Alice Stevens Fund
Don & Ruth Forbes Education Fund
Jack Lupton Memorial Scholarship Fund
Joyce Robinson Bursary for Medecine Fund
T. Roy and Edith Bailey Memorial Scholarship Fund
Managed Funds
Carberry Multi Service Clubs Medical Emergency Fund
Carberry Plains Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund
Carberry Plains Museum Criddle Fund
Municipality of North Cypress-Langford Recreation Reserve Fund
Town of Carberry Recreation Reserve Fund
Grant Deadlines
- March 15 at 4:00 pm
- September 15 at 4:00 pm